wild goose chase / ˈwaɪldˈgus /


wild goose chase 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable: a wild-goose chase looking for a building long demolished.
  2. any senseless pursuit of an object or end; a hopeless enterprise: Her scheme of being a movie star is a wild-goose chase.

wild goose chase 近义词

wild goose chase

等同于 fruitless

wild goose chase

等同于 red herring

wild goose chase

等同于 search

wild goose chase

等同于 wild-goose chase

更多wild goose chase例句

  1. He has wild swings between trying not to care about Lana and the baby, and being completely obsessed by it.
  2. One of the other cops fired three times and those who were still able to give chase did.
  3. The cops gave chase and the gunman fired the big revolver twice more.
  4. The sound of birds, quail, even doe, make a wild grid of noise.
  5. Exactly when the transition to modern domestic creature took place, for a bird that is wild to this day, is controversial.
  6. They are so rich in harmony, so weird, so wild, that when you hear them you are like a sea-weed cast upon the bosom of the ocean.
  7. For a moment Joe stood behind her, silently, looking over her shoulder at the signature of Isom Chase.
  8. The white men served their smoking cannon with a wild energy that, for a time, made the gallant nine equal to a thousand.
  9. A cricket-match was in progress, but the bowling and batting were extremely wild, thanks to The Warren strong beer.
  10. People are busy ballooning or driving; shooting like stars along railroads; or migrating like swallows or wild-geese.